Buying a modular kitchen is not exactly a tough process – but it sure requires you to be a bit careful. Kitchen forms such an important part of any home, that you need to be absolutely sure about what you need, how much money you’re ready to spend, what will suit your family the best, and so on. These are the kinds of questions that you ask yourself before you indulge in buying yourself a kitchen.
But, there are another set of important questions – the ones that you ask your modular kitchen supplier. What are those?
Let’s have a see:
- Ask for a guarantee. Decent modular kitchens should last at least 10 years without a hassle, and your kitchen supplier should guarantee you that. The kitchen as well as the materials that it comes with – they should all be durable and robust. And it’s not just about asking for a guarantee – you should also ask about exactly the things that the guarantee covers.
- Modular kitchens are more than just the whole space – they’re about the whole plan and design as well. So, you’ll have to ask your kitchen provider if they will help you with eh planning and designing part as well. Having a definite kitchen design in head is what will make you visualize your future kitchen better. Ask questions like, where will the cabinets go, what material would be the best for making the countertop, and so on.
- The other thing is the measurement that goes into the making of modular kitchens. So, you must ask your kitchen supplier, whether they’ll provide a free survey or not. The designing and fitting of a kitchen should be right to the millimeter. Therefore, the measurements should be exact. Even if they have to again take any measurements, they shouldn’t hesitate in going ahead for them.
- An important question to ask is that what all is included in the toatl cost you pay. The reason is, many modular kitchens come with some furniture, lights, and other stuff, at no extra cost. So, you should ask if you get anything that is included in the price of your kitchen.
- Whether you get an assembled or a flat packed kitchen, you will have to prepare to have a proper storage space. Modular kitchens without a proper storage would be incomplete, to say the least! You’ll need to to find a space first to start the installation. So, ask when your kitchen is going to get delivered, and you should arrange for the storage installation immediately after that.
- An important part of installing modular kitchens is the post-sales process. You will have to be very clear with your supplier about how much you can trust him, after you’ve bought the kitchen from him. This one’s really important, because you must get a decent after-sales service after having paid a really good amount for the kitchen.
So, these are a few important questions that we think you should ask before you finally buy the kitchen you want. If there are questions, in addition to these, that you think are important – do not hesitate to ask your modular kitchen supplier for the same!