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The Reasons Why a Kitchen Corner Sink Could be an Overrated Fixture

Corner sinks are known to increase the efficiency of a kitchen. There is a trend of almost every Modular kitchens in Ernakulam, Kochi, Ahmedabad, and other places, getting ready to get renovated and change the location of their sinks. Of course, it does increase the work space, and makes storing and organization more efficient in the kitchen; but as everything else, it has downsides too.

We are here to take a hard look at what the disadvantages might be of having a corner sink installed in the kitchen.

Compromising for a smaller size

If you have two sinks in your kitchen, which you would expect to have, as a corner kitchen does free some space, you will find it difficult to fit in such heavy-set two-bowl kitchen sink in the angled corner. Your cabinet beneath should allow you as much extra space enough to support as well as accommodate a weightier style sink. So, you will either have to custom build a cabinet according to your needs, or settle on another sink.

Rarely enough room for another cook

You will also find it difficult to work with another person in such a kitchen, as corner sinks aren’t too accommodating if there’s more than one people working. You won’t have much of elbow space, and you will find yourself backing into the other person, now and again, just as you try to jostle for more sink space.

Appliance zones will get cramped up

Again, the appliances will also find themselves too cramped up, especially of you have a low-mounted oven, just adjacent to the sink. The person using the oven will tend to block the traffic towards the sink, and vice versa. Plus, if the door of the oven is open, it will again be almost impossible for the person using the sink to work uninterrupted.

Difficulty in cleaning

As deeper your corner, about just as deeper will be your kitchen sink. If you’re short, it will be difficult for you to reach all the way back in order to wipe the dust and the splashes. You could of course recess the cabinet in the corner a few inches, or even keep a step stool handy – but, would that be worth it? That’s the question.

Have you already installed a corner kitchen sink? And of you have, how really is it serving you? The thing that one should be curious about is, whether a corner sinks in a modular kitchen in Kochi, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, or any other place – does it really do justice to all the great things people say about it, or is it in actuality, quite overrated?

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