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Ovens: How to Make an Energy Inefficient Appliance into an Efficient One?

Ovens, wall ovens in particular are still finding their grounding in every modular kitchen in Kochi, Ahmedabad, and such other Indian cities. Whether or not they’re environment friendly – it’s a question that many people haven’t even inquired about till now. The reason is, they don’t know enough about this appliance to think in terms of eco-friendliness right now.

But, as more and more people are gravitating towards this option, it’s only fair that they try to know as much as possible. In the meantime, we are here to tell you how efficient can a wall oven prove to be to the environment, as it does for cooking.

Size Matters

You will usually find wall ovens in three widths – 30, 27, and 24 inches. The size matters with respect to how many people would you be cooking for; but you should also know that the bigger a unit you buy, bigger will be its energy usage as well. If you’re someone who has a lot of people coming over now and again, if you’re someone who loves to host get togethers – it would be more energy efficient if you choose to buy two smaller units instead of a big one. This way, when it’s just you and your immediate family, you can use one of the smaller ovens. And use both when you have people over!

Convection Ovens

To save energy, opt for a model that gives you a convection oven. That’s because it comes with a fan that keeps circulating air around the food, continuously, therefore helping in reducing the cooking time by a great notch! Even the temperature required to cook the food is lowered to a great extent, making the oven use around 20% less energy than the other kind.

Self-Cleaning Feature

Look for an oven that has a self cleaning feature; it won’t just make your life easier, but that of the environment around you better too. The heat insulation provided in ovens having this feature helps them be even more energy efficient by maintaining oven temperatures.

Some more tips to save energy, as well as your money:

  • Try to use your oven only when you have a large dish or multiple ones to prepare. Because as it is, ovens only spend 6% of total energy on the food cooking inside them; everything else is just lost, wasted away. The inherent inefficiency of an oven makes it a bad option for a regular use to cook just about every small or big dish.
  • Do not open the oven door time and again, while it’s cooking something. Every time you do that, you make the oven drop its temperature by about 25 to 30 degrees. That reduces the efficiency of the appliance. Instead, if you have to check on whether the food is cooked or not, use your oven light.

Among all the appliances seen in a modular kitchen Kochi, Ernakulam, and so on – wall ovens are one of the most inefficient ones. But, if we understand its nuances, we might just be able to squeeze whatever efficiency we can from it!

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